(SOLVED) HIST 405N Week 8 Discussion 1: America and Terrorism in the 21st Century

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
 Textbook: Chapter 32
 Lesson
 Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Initial Post Instructions
Consider a few terrorist activities since the 1980s until today. Here is a starting point:
 1983: United States Embassy in Beirut and Kuwait is bombed
 1988: Osama bin Laden re-organizes Al Qaeda in Pakistan to carry out attacks
 1993: World Trade Center Bombing (first time)
 1995: Oklahoma City Bombing
 1998: United Stated Embassy bombings Nairobi and Sar Es Salaam
 2001: 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers
 2001: Bio Terrorism begins (anthrax letters and Bill Gates's warnings on bio
 2013: Boston Marathon Bombings
 2018: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
Then, address three (3) of the following and craft a response, as a whole, for your
 Explain if you think that global terrorism can be stopped.
 Analyze the responsibility of the United States today to be the world's
 Assess if peace and stability in the Middle East are vital to U.S. economy and
national security.
 If the United States withdrew its troops from the Middle East tomorrow, would the
terrorist threat end. Why or why not?
 Assess if the use of military force is the only way to prevent terrorism. Are there
other possible alternatives? Which strategy is best and why?


Terrorism has become a major issue of concern in the 21st century. I have chosen to discuss three distinct terrorist events, which are the 1998 United Stated Embassy bombings Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam, the 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers in 2011, and the 2018 Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting. These are different types of attacks that happened in very different settings and timing. The US embassy bombings in East Africa, for instance were allegedly the terrorists’ ways of revenging for extradition of Egyptian Jihad members. According to Corbett et al (2016), the Al-Qaida terrorist group hijacked four American airlines, and committed the worst most deadly terrorist attack in the country. The Pittsburg Synagogue shooting was driven by antisemitism motives, whereby the mass shooting led to loss of multiple lives and injuries.

On whether terrorism can be stopped, I feel that it is hard to absolutely put an end to terrorism. This is because the terrorism acts are driven by different motives, and hence cannot be generalized. In addition, the attacks are rare occur in different places, and timings, which makes them hard to predict. The United States has been at the fore front to end terrorism across the globe by attacking the dissolving the terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda responsible for the 9/11 bombing. Please click the purchase button to access the entire copy at $5