(SOLVED) MATH 225N Week 2 Discussion: Graphing and Describing Data in Everyday Life

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • OpenStax Book: Chapter 2—Section 2.1
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source

In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s).

Initial Post Instructions

Suppose that you have two sets of data to work with. The first set is a list of all the injuries that were seen in a clinic in a month’s time. The second set contains data on the number of minutes that each patient spent in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. You can make assumptions about other information or variables that are included in each data set.

For each data set, propose your idea of how best to represent the key information. To organize your data would you choose to use a frequency table, a cumulative frequency table, or a relative frequency table? Why?

What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Consider how different distributions might affect the different graphs. How might other variables affect the graphs? How could graphs be made to be biased? If a graph were biased, how might you change it to guard against that bias?

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


For the first set of data, which encompasses a list of injuries recorded in a clinic within a one-month period, I would use a cumulative frequency table to present the data. It would be useful in showcasing the number of injuries lying below or above the mean value over a given period of time, assuming that the clinic was reporting the number of injuries over the given period.

The second set of data comprises of number of minutes spent by each patient in the waiting room. I would opt for a frequency table in this case. This is attributed to the fact that for some patients, the waiting time could be identical and hence could the frequency table could be the most appropriate as it can record the number of observations that occur in each interval. Furthermore, frequency tables are useful when presenting grouped data alongside the corresponding frequencies in an effective manner (Holmes et al, 2018). Please click the purchase button to access the entire copy at $5