(SOLVED) LUBS5963 – Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Creation

Assignment Outline – Individual Assignment

This assignment is designed to increase your understanding and experience of the new enterprise design process, reflective practice and entrepreneurship theory. You will need to create a new business idea, develop this by building an opportunity business model, and reflect on the process of new enterprise design and your entrepreneurial learning. Please complete both Part A AND Part B of this assignment.



Part A (worth 50% of assignment grade and should be approximately 1,500 words in length)


  • Create an idea for a new product or service that is new to its industry and/or environment.


  • Use the opportunity business model to research, develop and communicate (in writing and visually) your identified business opportunity. Make sure you include the five dimensions (Proposition, People, Place, Process, and Profit) and relevant drivers of your business opportunity. Your opportunity business model should be informed by comprehensive secondary research, with all secondary sources being cited following the Leeds Harvard referencing system.



Part B (worth 50% of assignment grade and should be approximately 1,500 words in length)


Critically analyse and reflect on the new enterprise design process you completed for Part A of the assignment and your entrepreneurial learning during this process. Make reference to theories of entrepreneurship and the new enterprise design process in your answers. You may wish to consider the following in your answers: –


  • What happened? What did you feel? What went well and what could have gone better?
  • To what extent did you display entrepreneurial characteristics and behaviours during the process of developing your opportunity business model? How did you develop these characteristics and behaviours and what effects did they have?
  • What have you learnt when developing the opportunity business model? What mechanisms informed this learning – experiential learning, learning from others, learning through formal education? How will you apply this learning in future situations?


Please support your discussions with theory and academic literature discussed in the module and from your wider reading. In particular, focus on any differences you have noticed between theory and practice. In addition, weekly journal entries must be included in an appendix to provide evidence of your learning.


Further Note

  • The recommended word count is 1,500 words for Part A and 1,500 words for Part B. This is a recommendation only and you can alter the word count for the individual sections as long as the overall word count for the assignment is a maximum of 3,000 words.

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