This assignment is an individual assignment.

Individual HR solution based on Case Study – COVID-19 Junkway Food Company (JFC) Case Study
In order to address the question, you are expected to read widely and offer a considered, critical
analysis of the key debates which demonstrates your ability to express the issues fully.
At the end of the emergency board meeting the CEO has asked the Human Resource Director to
provide answers to 1 out of the following 3 questions based on the discussions at the meeting:

1. Redundancy:
a. Provide a response to the Finance Manager- What Human Resource Management
(HRM) practices can be used as strategic alternatives to compulsory
redundancies? Present recommendations to JFC regarding compulsory
redundancies and alternatives

b. Provide a response to the Finance Manager – If JFC is to undertake redundancies
does the company need to consult and with whom should they consult? Provide
recommendations regarding the support JFC should provide to employees who
are made redundant during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Reward Management:
a. Provide a response to the Marketing Manager – How can JFC improve employee
performance using performance-related pay (PRP)? Should PRP be implemented
at JFC taking into consideration the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the general
economy and on JFC?

b. Provide a response to the Marketing Manager – What is the difference between
the real living age and the government’s national living wage, and which should
JFC use as a basis to pay its staff? Should JFC remove the transportation allowance
if either the real living wage or an annual increase in pay through the national
living wage is implemented? Provide recommendations.

3. Learning and Development:
a. Provide a response to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) – How can JFC design
learning and development initiatives that are effective and are tailored to
employee learning styles? How can such learning and development delivered to
non-catering staff be tailored to learning styles in situations where the staff work
remotely from home due to COVID-19?

b. Provide a response to the COO – Provide a justification and recommendations for
investing in one out of the three shortlisted learning and development initiatives
taking into consideration the effectiveness of the initiative using an online or
blended format:

i. Coaching and mentoring and how can this be delivered using an online or
blended format?
ii. Job rotation, secondment and shadowing and how can this be delivered
using an online or blended format?
iii. Off-the job learning using external expert instructors and formal
education courses and how can this be delivered using an online or
blended format?

As the HR Director, you are expected to provide an academic answer to one of the questions
above that critically analyses relevant academic theory and uses academic references. Please
note that a good case study answer goes beyond mere description of HRM practices to evidence-
based critical analysis of the academic literature and organisational practices.


Compulsory redundancy, also referred to as mandatory redundancy,  entails a process whereby an organisation termites its engagement with its workers due to business circumstances other than behavioural or performance-related challenges.  Human Resource managers have are responsible for  determining alternative measures or solutions to compulsory redundancies.  previous studies show that the mandatory redundancy are quite costly and may strain an already financially struggling firm.

Some of the suggested solutions to compulsory redundancy include freezing recruitment, and embarking on training staff to take up the roles that would otherwise been taken by new employees. the HR managers can weigh options to determine the cost of training as opposed to recruiting so as to make rational decisions that benefit the organisation. Secondly, the management teams can consider outsourcing temporary agencies to handle the tasks with well outlined contracts that stipulate the terms of service. using temporary employees helps a company to avoid challenges associated with permanent staffing, as they contribute to compulsory redundancy in case of nonperformance.

the HR team can assess and offer early retirement plans to employees who may be willing to take up the offer.  studies show that some employees may out of will agree to a special arrangement for compulsory redundancy, without necessarily affecting the organisation’s financial performance. taking advantages of such plans can enable the HR team to avoid the inadequacies attributed to compulsory redundancy.

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