Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how to identify client needs and be able to develop appropriate research strategies for consultancy interventions
  1. Appraise the importance of expert tools and techniques to a consultant
  2. Evaluate the relationship between strategic management, leadership and leadership styles and principles that support organisational ethical and value based approaches to leadership
  1. Evaluate the application of leadership strategies and the impact on organisational direction

The assignment for this module is an individual assignment.

It is not a group assignment; you must submit an assignment individually.

Assessment Brief:

You are a new consultant working for International Management Consultancy organisation (IMC is a fictional consultancy firm).

You are required to complete ONE consultancy project out of the choice of the

employer scenarios [See Aula & FutureLearn] which must be completed by the assignment


You must use an employer video case study from the choice available on Aula and

FutureLearn. If you do not use one of the mandatory case studies for this cohort your paper

will be an automatic fail and graded accordingly.

With reference to your chosen employer scenario, produce a 3000-3500 word report

which will be assessed on the following areas:

Maximum marks


  1. An analysis of the company’s strategic position 30
  2. A set of recommendations to address the issues identified 15
  3. An evidence-informed implementation strategy 25
  4. A reflection on key learning from the module 10

Organisation/academic writing 10

Referencing 10

Total Out of 100

Pass mark is 40%

You are required to follow the IMC consultancy report structure below.

IMC Report Structure

Your report should be 3000 to 3500 words.

Section 1: An analysis of the company’s strategic position

Provide an overview of the company you have chosen.

  1. Identify and apply 2 appropriate tools and techniques to analyse
  2. A) The internal environment of the company (using 1 tool)
  3. B) The external environment of the company (using1 tool)
  4. This analysis of the company’s strategic position should include:
  5. a) Leadership and communication
  6. b) The company culture including its ethical and value base
  7. c) The company’s position in the sector
  8. d) A critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the tools and techniques you have used
  1. e) The client needs
  2. Following your analysis on the company’s strategic position, identify the main issues that you could advise the company to address.

NOTE: This section refers to Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and is worth 30 marks

Section 2: Recommendations to the organisation

  1. Based on your analysis in Section 1, propose 3 recommendations for the


  1. Ensure that each recommendation is clear, has appropriate detail, is justified and

is feasible in this context.

  1. Recommendations should refer to the leadership and communications strategy of

the company, taking account of internal and external stakeholders.

NOTE: This section refers to Learning Outcomes 1,3 and 4 and is worth 15 marks

Section 3: Implementation of Recommendations

  1. Based on Section 2, explain how the company would implement the

recommendations put forward to support the changes in its strategic direction.

  1. This section will include analysis of the following:
  2. a) Leadership styles – this must include reference to different leadership

styles supported by theories, models and/or evidence.

  1. b) Communicating the vision to the key stakeholders
  2. c) Leadership strategy and the impact on organisational direction
  3. This section considers the actions that should be taken by the company in order

to achieve the recommendations that you have described above.

NOTE: This section refers to Learning Outcomes 3 and 4 and is worth 25 marks

Section 4: Critical Reflection

All students, particularly at postgraduate level, need to reflect critically on the learning

experience during this module. You need to reflect on personal, interpersonal and

professional competencies and consider how you might apply your learning and

knowledge from this module to your own area of study and future career aspirations.

You need to select and use a model (e.g. Gibbs reflective cycle) to reflect on your

learning experience on the CMI module. You can consider some of the following


  • What leadership and management competencies are you more aware of?
  • What would you need change?
  • Are there professional frameworks for standards that you need to follow?
  • How would all this affect your future career management/leadership roles?


  • In what ways has engaging with this module brought about personal and

professional change?

  • How would you address any potential gap through further development?
  • What would you seek to do differently/additionally in the future?

NOTE: this section is worth 10 marks


In this assignment you need to apply some of the tools and methods that have

been referred to in the workshops and learning journeys and discuss their

relevance to the client’s situation. You will gain extra marks by citing appropriate

references to support your arguments throughout. You will need to provide

information on how you have gathered and sourced key information for your


  • Organisation/academic writing is worth 10 marks
  • Referencing is worth 10 marks

Your portfolio must:

  • Include a cover sheet with your ID number (NOT YOUR NAME), your chosen

employer case study and your word count.

  • Be typed in Word,
  • Include page numbers,
  • Be written in Arial font size 12,
  • Be 1.5 spaced,
  • Be submitted on Turnitin by the assignment deadline

Please note that tables/diagrams/charts and the reference list are not included in the word count.

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