This assessment is in two parts, please answer both parts

(Each part carries equal marks)

The maximum word count is 2 000 words (+/- 10%) in total to complete both sections

Please write the word count clearly on the front of your assignment.

Please note that this is an individual assignment and the policy of the University on “Policy on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism” applies.

You should use Harvard referencing and cite all sources used in your work.

Submission of Your Work

Your completed work should be submitted online by uploading it to the module Canvas site.

You should submit your work as a WORD document

Part A – Clique Automotive Plc

You are a financial analyst at Clique Automotive Plc; a public limited company specialising in manufacturing and distributing automotive equipment. The Board of Directors have looked into the financial statements of the company for the last two years and have raised concerns regarding both the company’s profitability and liquidity. The financial statements of Clique Automotive Plc for the last two years are given below:

Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December


  2021   2020
  £000 £000   £000 £000
Revenue   38,550     29,950

Less: Cost of sales:

     Opening Inventory 3,875     4,535  
     Manufacturing costs 22,140     13,250  
  26,015     17,785  
     Less: Closing Inventory (6,225)     (3,875)  
Cost of Sales   (19,790)     (13,910)
Gross profit   18,760     16,040

Less: Expenses

Selling & distribution expenses 8,135     4,380  
Administrative expenses 2,100     990  
Bad debts written off 1,040     565  
    (11,275)     (5,935)
Operating profit   7,485     10,105
Less: Interest payable   (1,690)     (380)
Profit before tax   5,795     9,725
Less: Income tax   (900)     (1,920)
Profit after tax   4,895     7,805
Less: Dividends paid   (2,100)       (2,100)
Retained profit for the year       2,795     5,705


Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December

  2021   2020
  £000   £000

Non-current assets (net)

Land and buildings 24,590   19,280
Equipment 4,380   3,200
Motor vehicles     1,900   1,650
  30,870   24,130


Current assets

Inventory     6,225     3,875
Trade Receivables     5,900     4,500
Cash            0             560
    12,125     8,935
Total Assets                             42,995   33,065




Ordinary shares of £1 each 26,035   24,330
Retained earnings (reserves) 3,905   1,110
  29,940   25,440
Non-Current liabilities

Loan stock

4,575   1,250
Current liabilities      
Trade Payables     5,100     4,885
Taxation     1,200     1,490
Bank overdraft     2,180                 0
      8,480     6,375


Total Equity and Liabilities           42,995               33,065 


Prepare a report for the Board of Clique Automotive Plc. that evaluates the financial position and performance of the business in relation to profitability, liquidity, gearing, efficiency (asset utilisation), and investor potential. You must support your report with the calculation of relevant ratios in each of these five evaluation areas mentioned above. Your discussion should comment on changes from year to year, as well as their potential implications for the business.


All calculations should be clearly shown including all appropriate workings and should be made to the nearest £000 or two decimal places where required.


Marks for Part A: 50%

Part B

Successful businesses should identify and invest in attractive long-term business projects, in order to take advantage of potential business opportunities, perform effectively and satisfy shareholders.

An issue of critical importance to business managers is therefore the evaluation of potential investment opportunities.


Critically evaluate alternative approaches that may be used to financially assess long-term business investment opportunities.

As well as demonstrating your critical understanding of the financial techniques you discuss, you should also ensure that discuss the potential value of the information for decision makers.

You may include illustrative calculations in as far as they support your discussion.


Marks for Part B: 50%



  1. To enhance your mark, your work should:
  1. Be concise, precise, well presented and clearly structured
  2. Draw logical conclusions from accounting information you discuss
  3. Synthesise information in a coherent and useful way
  4. Research thoroughly – showing evidence of wider reading
  5. Demonstrate critical understanding of financial management.


  1. Harvard standard referencing is required in your work

Up to 2,000 words in total overall. (plus, or minus 10%)