(SOLUTION) NR601 Week 5: Case Study Assignment


NR601_Week 5 Case Study _Nov19
NR601_Week 5 Case Study _Nov19
Criteria Ratings Pts
Assignment Content Possible Points = 144 Points

Assessment of primary diagnosis

1)the ICD10 code is listed in parentheses next to diagnosis.

2) Diagnosis is consistent with the cited guideline recommendations or scholarly reference

3) Includes a one to two sentence paraphrased pathophysiology statement.

4) The rationale statement includes pertinent positive and negative subjective and objective findings from the history and physical exam, which links this diagnosis to your patient. Pertinent lab results are included and interpreted within the rationale statement

(4 required elements)

24 pts

All 4 required elements are present

22 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

20 pts

2 required elements are missing

12 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing  OR Section includes information that does not pertain to the case study patient such as pregnancy information or gender information that does not pertain to the case study patient’s listed gender or age.
24 pts
Assessment of secondary diagnosis (es)

1) the ICD10 code is listed in parentheses next to diagnosis.

2) Diagnosis is consistent with the cited guideline recommendations or scholarly reference

3) includes a one to two sentence paraphrased pathophysiology statement.

4) The rationale statement includes pertinent positive and negative subjective and objective findings from the history and physical exam, which links this diagnosis to your patient. Pertinent lab results are included interpreted within the rationale statement.

(4 required elements)

16 pts

All 4 required elements are present

14 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

13 pts

2 required elements are missing

8 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing  OR Section includes information that does not pertain to the case study patient such as pregnancy information or gender information that does not pertain to the case study patient’s listed gender or age.
16 pts
Evidence-Based Practice

National guidelines are used to support all diagnoses and develop the plan.

1) The American Diabetes Association Standards and Medical Care in Diabetes-2019 or later, (or article related to 2019 or later Guidelines) are used to support the primary diagnosis and develop the plan.

2) Every diagnosis rationale must include an in text citation to a scholarly reference as listed in the Reference Guidelines document.

3) Each action step or order within all plan sections includes an in text citation to an appropriate reference as listed in the Reference Guidelines document.

4) Reference interpretation is accurate

(4 required elements)

40 pts

All 4 required elements are present

36 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

33 pts

2 required elements are missing

20 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
40 pts
Plan: Diagnostics

1) All ordered diagnostic test  are presented individually

2) All ordered diagnostics tests are linked to a diagnosis listed in the assessment section

3) All ordered tests include a paraphrased EBP rationale with citation and include date when test should be performed (ie: today, 1 week, 1 month)

4) Plans are consistent with the cited guideline recommendations or scholarly reference

(4 required elements)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Plan: Medications

Each  listed medication

1) is linked to a diagnosis listed within the assessment section or a current patent medication

2) an OTC medication is included in recommended medications

3) includes a paraphrased EBP rationale for prescribing

4) written in prescription format

( 4 required elements)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Plan: Education

This section is written exactly how you would discuss the education to the patient. Use vocabulary which the patient can understand.

1) All education steps are linked to a diagnosis which was listed in the assessment section, paraphrased, and includes an EBP rationale.

2) Section includes personalized detailed education on diagnoses, medications, diet, exercise and warning signs.

3) Personalized diet and exercise recommendations which include specific instructions and are appropriate for the case study patient.

4) Plans are consistent with the cited guideline recommendations or scholarly reference

( 4 required elements)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Plan: Referral

1) each referral is linked to a specific diagnosis which was listed in the assessment section.

2) All referrals related to the primary diagnosis are obtained from the ADA guidelines.

3) each referral includes a paraphrased EBP rationale.

4) Referral plans are consistent with the cited guideline recommendations or scholarly reference

( 4 required elements)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Plan: Follow-Up

1) Includes a specific time frame or date to return to PCP office.  A time range is not acceptable (i.e. 2-4 weeks)

2) Includes EBP rationale with in text citation for chosen follow up date

3) Plans are EBP and consistent with the cited guideline recommendations.

4) Only follow up information is listed in this section.

( 4 required elements)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Assessment of comorbidities

1) Comordidity chosen was listed within the listed comorbidities from the Assessments of comorbidities subsection*

2) Discussed significance of and the relationship between primary diagnosis and chosen comorbidity.

3) Explain how one diagnosis affects the other diagnosis in no more than 3-5 sentences.

4) Included any recommended screening, diagnostic testing, and referrals in no more that 2-3 sentences.

* the chosen comorbidity cannot be any secondary diagnosis already discussed in your paper’s assessment section

( 4 required elements)

16 pts

All 4 required elements are present

14 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

13 pts

2 required elements are missing

8 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing  OR the chosen comorbidity is also a secondary diagnosis already discussed within the paper’s  assessment section
16 pts
Medication Costs

All monthly medication costs are calculated

1 )All medications including current medications and OTCs are included.

2) Each medication cost is calculated individually

3) a total cost for the month’s medication is calculated

4) Summary/reflection statement is included regarding medication costs and any medications changes based on cost or polypharmacy concerns

( 4 required elements)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Assignment Format Possible Points = 16 Points

Grammar, Syntax, APA

APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors.

1) All referenced information is cited at the end of the phrase or sentence

2) All cited information is paraphrased, no quotes are included

3) “according to” or “per” is not used when citing a scholarly source

8 pts

APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors.     Three required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
Two to four errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted.     Three required elements are present

6 pts

Five to seven errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted.”    1 required element is missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
Eight to nine errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted.     OR   2 required elements are missing

0 pts

Post contains ten or greater errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.   OR   3 required element are missing
8 pts

Paper is developed in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence

1) Provided assignment template is used to develop paper

2) Rationale length does not exceed template directions.

3) All required sections are included within the assignment

4) The paper length does not exceed 10 pages. (not including title page and references)

8 pts

All 4 required elements are present

7 pts

V. Good
1 required element is missing

6 pts

2 required elements are missing

4 pts

Needs Improvement
3 required elements are missing

0 pts

4 required elements are missing
8 pts
Late Penalty Deductions

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

0 pts

Manual Deductions

0 pts

Manual Deductions
0 pts
Total Points: 160


Case Study Analysis

While dealing with patients, multiple diagnoses can be made based on people’s health conditions. This situation also refers to Mr. W, who complains of feeling extremely tired and gaining weight. The paper will demonstrate that type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease (CAD) can cause these symptoms. The case study analysis will also assess these diagnoses, present their management plans, mention comorbidities, and stipulate medication costs.


Primary Diagnosis Type 2 diabetes mellitus (E11)

pathophysiology As a rule, two primary conditions contribute to diabetes mellitus. Galicia-Garcia et al. (2020) clarify that it occurs when pancreatic β-cells produce defective insulin and insulin-sensitive tissue fails to respond correctly to it.

pertinent positive findings The diagnosis is typically associated with fatigue, nocturia, and a decreased quality of life (Kabadi, 2017). Kabadi (2017) also admits that dehydration accompanies the symptoms, which makes the patient feel that he cannot get enough to drink.

pertinent negative findings No reported family history of diabetes mellitus of any type. Wu et al. (2018) state that heredity factors are significant predictors of the condition.

rationale for the diagnosis Increased glucose and hemoglobin A1C levels demonstrate that diabetes mellitus can be under consideration. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) (2021), an A1C level of 6.5% or higher indicates diabetes, and the patient’s laboratory result is 6.9%.

Secondary Diagnosis Coronary artery disease (I25.1)

pathophysiology The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2019) stipulates that a CAD develops because arteries that supply blood to the heart are blocked with plaque. This substance consists of cholesterol deposits that attach to the artery walls and narrow them, preventing or blocking blood flow.

pertinent positive findings These include obesity, increased age, being a man, and disease family history. Hajar (2017) stipulates that these findings are typically associated with a CAD.

pertinent negative findings Normal blood pressure and EKG results and a healthy lifestyle can indicate that a CAD is not suitable (Hajar, 2017).

rationale for the diagnosis The lipid panel demonstrates that the patient has unhealthy cholesterol levels. Thus, HDL is lower than 60 mg/dl, TC is higher than 200 mg/dl, and LDL is higher than 100 mg/dl, and Shahid et al. (2020) claim that these levels lead to increased CAD risk.