(SOLUTION) NR361 Week 6 Discussion: Distractors in our Environments


This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO6 Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)

Due Date

  • During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week):
    • Posts in the discussion at least two times, and
    • Posts in the discussion on two different days

Points Possible

50 points


  • Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
    • Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
    • Integrate outside scholarly sources when required
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
    • Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
  • Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
  • Best Practices include:
    • Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
    • Enter the discussion often during the week to read and learn from posts.
    • Select different classmates for your reply each week.
Discussion Question

Distractions are everywhere. They may include cellphones, multiple alarms sounding, overhead paging, monitors beeping, and various interruptions that disrupt your clinical practice.

Give an example of an ethical or legal issue that may arise if a patient has a poor outcome or sentinel event because of a distraction such as alarm fatigue. What does evidence reveal about alarm fatigue and distractions in healthcare when it comes to patient safety?


Alarm fatigue is new verbiage for me, however, the definition is very familiar.   As clinicians, especially in my department we are exposed to numerous alarms in the ED.  Although we can differentiate the critical ones sometimes the non- critical alarms are overlooked. For example, telephone at the nursing station, patients call lights, cell phones, walkie talkie, overhead inner department loud speaker, hospital loud speaker, fire alarms (mainly drills) I would consider most of these make us aware of an issue but don’t cause a nurse to go running.  Our more critical alarms include a patients ventilator going off, actively in CPR and AED in place alerting via voice activation instructions, code bell, ambulance sirens, and critical vitals on a monitor.  Please click the purchase button to access the entire copy at $5