(SOLUTION) NR305 Week 8 Discussion: Reflection on End of Life Care


The purpose of this reflection is for learners to apply this week’s lesson on assessment at end of life to past practice experiences, and to consider how knowledge gained this week might shape future practice.

Course Outcomes

This reflection enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual’s health status. (PO 1)

CO 6: Demonstrate professional behavior and caring during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)

Due Date

  • During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Saturday the end of the assigned week):
    • Posts in the discussion at least two times, and
    • Posts in the discussion on two different days

Points Possible

50 points


  • Reflection is an activity that involves your deep thought into your own experiences related to the concepts of the week. Answers should be detailed. In reflections students:
    • Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
    • Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
  • Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
  • Scholarly sources are NOT required for this reflection
  • Best Practices include:
    • Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
    • Enter the reflection often during the week to read and learn from posts.
    • Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Share with your classmates a time when you cared for a patient at the end of their life. This may be a time when you assisted the patient (or their support system) with decisions related to end of life care; or a time when you were present for the death of a patient.

  • What were your observations related to this experience?
  • Do you believe it was a peaceful death?
  • What went well?
  • Can you think of anything that could have made the experience better for the patient and/or family?


I have had some experiences with palliative care patients. One such experience was with a 78-old Black American female patient with last-stage ovarian cancer. This patient chose her home for her end-of-life care. I always assume she chose her home because it was the most familiar setting for her. I observed that a patient’s home can also be a very ideal place for palliative care. Everyone involved in her care was compassionate, sympathetic, and attentive to not only the patient but also her family members. We provided holistic care to this patient. We had different therapists come in to help her with her pain and struggles. She would constantly receive massages and other relaxation techniques.

I believe the patient had a peaceful death.  She was surrounded by nurses who had become like a family to her. Please click the purchase button to access the entire copy at $5