SOLUTION COU103 Human Development Across the Lifespan Assessment 2

Assessment Brief Summary

Reflective paper on a developmental period in student’s life.

Assessment Description: Essay (Reflective Paper)
Select a developmental period in your own life such as toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence or any other period and analyze it with reference to at least two major theorists in develop‐ mental psychology. Include all of the following: an overview of your selected developmental period ‐ please discuss the key events or milestones experienced at this time. a discussion of the key aspects of each of the theories you have chosen to discuss an analysis of the period you have selected in light of each of the two theories following this analysis and discussion, write a reflection on your personal responses and experiences in relation to the significant period in your own life.
Your Reflective Essay should:
1. Name the period you are choosing and include an overview of this time.
2. Discuss key aspects of each of the major developmental theories
3. Analyse the period or event with reference to the major developmental period.
4. Reference to current literature and integration of relevant theory into your discussion


The developmental changes of human across the life span occurs in every domain of life:

moral, faith, personality, social, cognitive and physical. These development changes have been

widely researched and discussed by great researchers and theorists including Fowler, Piaget,

Freud, Kohlberg and Erickson. These great researchers and theorists were the first to explain and help the students to comprehensively understand the development of each domain (Mogler, 2008). As a result, it is possible to predict the development changes of human from infancy to adulthood. It is also important to note that each of the developmental stage has its own key events and challenges, which have significant influence on individuals’ life. The purpose of this paper is to provide reflection of life stage “adolescence”, which is the last stage of childhood.

Adolescence was my transition period I moved from relative security of childhood to

adulthood characterized by responsibility and privileges.

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