HRMG 2204 Resolving Individual Disputes in the Workplace

This assignment is a group and an individual assignment.
This assignment requires you to provide an answer for:
The case study assignment using two media (a) a podcast and (b) a written personal reflection
will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of resolving workplace
disputes through ADR and to illustration you have an empathy of the perspectives of the differing
social actors. In a group of no more than five students you will be given a conflict scenario (which
will be provided) to find a win-win resolution for. Your discussion, in the role of one of the social
actors, will be recorded as a Podcast and uploaded to DMU Replay. Each member of the group
should contribute for 2 minutes and each member needs to contribute. This element will
contribute to 50% of the overall score for assignment 1.
The independent written element of this assignment will reflect your Podcast experience and will
provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your wider reading of theory and the literature
regarding ADR. This element will contribute to 50% of the overall score for assignment 1.
Writing a Reflection (to be submitted via ‘Turnitin’)

Assessment Details
• The podcast should be no more than 10 minutes per group and everyone in the group
needs to contribute equally.
• The word count for the reflection is 1000 words
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark for work exceeding the word limit by
10% or more. The word limit includes tables, figures, quotations and citations, but excludes the references list and appendices.