Initial Post Instructions

Main Post Paragraph 1: Evaluate an argumentative point
Choose a reading from the assigned pages in your textbook and note how the author addresses an argumentative point in the body of the article (in other words, not in the introduction paragraph(s) nor in the conclusion paragraph(s). Work to find a body point that demonstrates a range of strategies like logic, refutation, and author’s voice.

Then, please take the time to read and re-read the entire piece and your chosen section a few times, jotting down notes to help you, before composing a paragraph that addresses all of the following:

  • In what ways do you see the author’s voice being used? How does the author’s own voice (not the sources’ voices) drive and frame the argument?
  • What does the author use for support for the point? (for example, logic created by the author, sources, a combination?) Is this effective, in your view? Why or why not?
  • Does the author use any logical fallacies? If so, name them and explain why they are fallacies. If not, explain why the author’s logic is solid.
  • Does the form of this reading match the form of the writing we are learning: full essay paragraphs? If so, explain why and how. If not, explain why you think this particular piece of reading does not use academic essay format and what you might do to revise it. In other words, if there are many short paragraphs, could you put some together to form single paragraphs that are still driven by the author’s voice?

Main Post Paragraph 2: Practice Using Your Voice in a Full Body Paragraph Toward Your Essay
Referring back to the lesson, please compose and present a single, well-developed draft of one body paragraph for our argument research essay, paying special attention to making your voice the driving force and to using solid logic. Remember the parts of a good body paragraph for an argument essay:

  • Composing a smooth, clear topic sentence in your voice that provides a transition and that asserts your topic for the paragraph
  • Using your voice to introduce and present your evidence that supports your topic sentence
  • Using logic in your voice to tie the evidence to your argumentative point
  • Avoiding logical fallacies
  • Using concession and rebuttal if you are presenting opposing viewpoints
  • Ending strongly with your voice in an extended explanation of how all factors involved in this paragraph drive home your argument in this particular point
  • Making sure to synthesize throughout, with clear connections between all evidence and all of your logic and assertions

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Here, in reading others’ posts and replying to them, you will learn a great deal more about approaches to composing good argumentative points. In your follow-up posts, please share your thoughts on your classmates’ analysis of the textbook reading and review your classmates’ own paragraph drafts, using the best practices studied this week to evaluate how well the student has applied all principles and to offer suggestions for improvement. Please fully explain your evaluations.

  • Writing Requirements
    Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


Hello Professor and Class,

According to Seyler & Brizee (2019), an argument entails logical thinking as well as assessing
issues to attain a reasonable judgement. The article “Allowing Guns on Campus Will Invite
Tragedies Not End Them,” provides an argumentative narrative by opposing the move on having
guns in campus. Firstly, the authors use sarcastic voice when they point out that “it’s a good
thing” for those condoning having guns in campuses. I feel that this a way of the authors asking
whether there is credible evidence supporting the stance that having more guns in public areas
can ultimately reduce violence (Seyler & Brizee, 2019, p. 471). They are effectively
acknowledging the contradictory views on possession of guns in colleges, and using logic to give
a refutation to such views. “Effective and responsible use of a firearm under the conditions of an
active shooter requires significant training and the ability to make good decisions and shoot
accurately under the most challenging circumstances. Even some trained law-enforcement
officers perform poorly under such circumstances” (Webster and Daniels. 2016). The authors
provide credible evidence from reliable sources to argue against allowing of guns in campuses.
The use of credible evidence in supporting an argument makes the authors’ points solid. I
strongly believe that the author’s form of reading matches with the form of writing that we are
learning as it fulfills most characteristics of an argumentative essay. The authors first
acknowledge why some would allow guns in campuses, and then offer an opposing view on the
negative impact of allowing guns in campuses.
Main Post Paragraph 2: Practice Using Your Voice in a Full Body Paragraph Toward
Your Essay
The prevalence of mental health issues is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Despite the
fact that the prevalence of mental illness may be the same in both rural and urban settings, it is evident that there are major disparities in mental health outcomes between the two settings.
Urban areas are characterized by various risk factors such as, violence, pollution, and crime,
which may impact negative health negatively.

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