Initial Post Instructions

Main Post Paragraph 1: Share Your Thoughts on Annotated Bibliographies
Please take the time to reflect and to honestly respond to all of the following (in a single, well-developed paragraph):

  • When you started this class, did you fully understand the definition of an “annotated bibliography”?
  • Based on your textbook and lesson readings for this week, what do you now understand an annotated bibliography to be? Have you been guilty of “cherry picking” from the sources you write about? Explain.
  • In what ways do you anticipate your annotated bibliography being helpful to you in writing a strong, compelling argument research essay?
  • Also, after reviewing the lesson and the textbook, what remaining questions do you have about the annotated bibliography in general and/or about our assignment this week?

Main Post Paragraph 2: Perform an Initial Source Evaluation
Part of this week’s assignment will ask you to richly evaluate your potential sources for your argument research essay. This post will get you started by allowing you to practice with one of those sources. In a single, rich paragraph:

  • Introduce the source by author, title, and year, and summarize it briefly.
  • Explain why you chose this source over others.
  • Briefly run through all five elements of the CRAAP test.
  • How thoroughly have you read this source and how many times?
  • How have you benefited from more thorough readings of the source?

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Here, we have an opportunity to learn by example and to offer guidance for one another. The purpose of your responses to others is to support success. Provide rich feedback that you feel guides your classmates toward a high-quality annotated bibliography. Try to reply to classmates who have not yet received a useful response.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


I have to admit that while starting this class, my comprehension of annotated
bibliography was very limited. For this reason, I have since been keen to learn especially from
the lesson we had on annotated bibliographies. I have really gained much knowledge from the
readings and I hope to improve as the course progresses. In regard to cherry picking from the
sources, I am totally guilty of doing that in the past, whereby I briefly scanned through various
sources to identify whether they validated the ideas I was writing about. The lesson as well as the
textbook have played a major role in enabling me understand the use of sources in writing, for
instance the section where Seyler (2014) discusses how to write summaries. My annotated
bibliography will enable me to support my arguments, which is essential for ensuring credibility.
This will be useful in strengthening my thesis statement. After a thorough review of the readings
from the lesson and textbook, I don’t have any further questions pertaining the bibliography or
this week’s assignments.
One of the sources that I will evaluate is by Morales, D. A., Barksdale, C. L., & Beckel-
Mitchener, A. C. (2020). A call to action to address rural mental health disparities.  Journal of
clinical and translational science, 4(5), 463–467. I chose this source over others because it
provides detailed evidence that connects to my stance in the argumentative essay. According to
Morales et al (2020), there is need to address the disparities in mental health in the rural areas,
which include but not limited to access to healthcare facilities, and professionals.
Currency: the article was published in the year 2020
Relevance: This article is relevant as it highlights the current mental health issues
evident in rural areas, and as the title goes, calls for action to address these disparities so as to
enhance positive mental health outcomes across all regions in the country.
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