A. Reflect on your experience in the Leadership and Communication course by doing the following:

A1. Provide a brief overview of your understanding of your Energy Graph from the Learning Report, including two personal strengths and two personal challenges that relate to your working style.

A2. Describe your experience of conversations as they relate to the laws of conversation and
the four levels of the conversation meter

A3. Discuss your strategies for being a successful student, including how you will incorporate
your strengths and address your challenges.

A4. Reflect on your overall experience in the course and how it applies to two of the
following: academic activities, professional career, or personal life.


Taking this course has enabled me to gain insight on my working styles, the need to develop my communication skills, personal, as well as professional development strategies that are likely to enhance my chances of success in my career.

Part 1A: Working Style

The 5 dynamics platform is a framework that is based on the assumption that everyone reveals different working styles. The Energy Graph comprises of five aspects which include, Explore, Excite, Examine, Execute, and Evaluate. According to the dynamic report, my results are as shown below:

  • Extreme in Explore
  • Deliberate in Excite
  • Stress in Examine
  • Deliberate in Execute

Based on the results, my most intense energy is explore. Two strengths that I can relate with my working style are in my ability to be creative and problem-solving tactics. My creativity enables me to gain an understanding on “how” and ‘why” when handling tasks, thus enabling me to come up with new ideas. Being creative has enabled me to learn, find new meanings, and understanding from different perspectives in both my personal and professional experiences. My other strength in my problem-solving ability has helped me to look at challenges from several angles before settling on the most plausible solution. These strengths make me a visionary, hence enabling me to strategize and initiate unique, valuable, and original solutions when carrying out my duties.

Two personal challenges that I can point out based on my results are in my inability to implement plans according to the set schedules, and not being able to identify potential problems early enough. I usually expect things to flow smoothly while performing my tasks without necessarily having clear outlines and plans, which often creates problems for me. Secondary to poor planning skills, I have a habit of overlooking potential faults and problems especially at the initial stages, which turn out to be hindrances later while performing assignments.


Prior to undertaking this class, most of my conversations never surpassed the sincerity stage. I believed in being outspoken, straightforward, and direct to the point. I thought that by being brutally honest, I would avoid misunderstanding or lies, and thus create a healthy conversation with other parties. However, when our class began discussing various features of a conversation and how diverse aspects can determine how well a conversation is, I came to a realization that even though I believed that absolute honesty was crucial in all my conversations, that was just my opinion, and not necessarily the observable facts (accuracy). This realization also enabled me to come to terms with the fact that I never made efforts to ensure that we had common interests in our conversations with other parties. I might as well have overlooked others’ point of view, and ended up tampering with authenticity of the conversations I have had in the past. I assumed that their opinions were not accurate because they did not perceive things from my perspective, and this often led to the end of most conversations. Learning the conversation meter has helped me approach conversations differently.  PLEASE CLICK THE PURCHASE BUTTON TO ACCESS THE ENTIRE COPY AT $6