(SOLVED) BHO0255 The Psychology of Work and Organisations

Assessment Task
Coursework (3000 words):
Task 1 (1500 words): With reference to relevant literature, critically explore and
evaluate the notion that intelligence and personality determine individuals’
behaviours and performance at work.
Task 2 (1500 words): Drawing on research in work and organisational psychology
(finding/measuring talent and developing talent) make recommendations for how Google
can improve their approach to finding/measuring talent and developing talent and critically
address the potential strengths and weaknesses of your recommendations.
Duration: N/A Word Count: 3000 words (Task 1: 1500 words and Task 2:

1500 words)

Task 1 (1500 words) specific guidance:
Your essay should include the following four sections:
1. Introduction (approx. 100 words).
Provide non-technical (no jargon) and intuitive summary about why intelligence and
personality are important psychological factors to consider in relation to workplace
behaviour. You should also briefly outline what you will cover in the main body of
your essay.
2. Theoretical background (approx. 650 words).
In the theoretical background you are expected to define intelligence and personality
and critically discuss the existing theories of these two psychological factors. In
particular, you should explore, develop and contrast the arguments and predictions
offered by theories of intelligence and personality.
3. Behaviour and performance at work (approx. 650 words).
Based on the theoretical explorations, critically evaluate the notion that intelligence
and personality determine/influence individuals’ behaviours and performance at
4. Conclusion (approx. 100 words).
Summarise the main points covered in the main body of your essay.

Task 2 (1500 words) specific guidance:

Your answer MUST be based on the Google Case study.
Your essay should include the following sections:
1. Introduction (Approximately 100 words)
In the introduction, you should also briefly outline what you will cover in the main body of
your essay.
2. Theoretical background (Approximately 650 words)
In the theoretical background you are expected to Introduce the reader to the relevant
psychological literature (Finding/Measuring Talent and Developing talent).
3. Recommendations (Approximately 650 words)
Based on the literature presented in your theoretical background, make recommendations
for how Google can improve their approach to finding/measuring and developing talent and
critically address the potential strengths and weaknesses of your recommendations.
5. Conclusion (Approximately 100 words)
Summarise the main points covered in the main body of your essay.


Intelligence and personality are crucial elements that determine a person’s behaviour and performance at the workplace. The emotional intelligence theory assumes that an individual has the the ability to manage own’s emotions and that of others. additionally, there are various types of personality traits among people in an organisation. As such, the management teams ought to understand the diversity traits and implement accommodative management measures to ensure all characters are well represented.