Summative Assessment

Methodological Report – 2000 Word Limit

The Research Methods module has now outlined different approaches to data analysis, including a range of methods or techniques used by academics and practitioners when conducting business research. We have learnt that there are different choices to make in research and that the suitability of our analytical techniques is determined by our assumptions and the current state of knowledge around our research question. We have also learnt that no data is perfect, and all methodologies and methods have merits and limitations.


In this assignment you are required to demonstrate your understanding of the appropriateness and suitability of data analysis techniques, by justifying, applying and critically evaluating one of the data analysis techniques you have learned on the module to a given research topic and data set (see below).


Your work should be fully referenced, using appropriate literature sources, drawing from module materials and core readings, and supplemented by your own wider reading.


In completing your report you should:

  • Use data from an approved source (i.e. the tutor designated transcripts or dataset)
  • Show evidence of the application of your technique to reach your preliminary results or findings
  • Critically review the relevance or suitability of the technique to the research question


Further guidance will be supplied to students on their specified question and data set according to their subject specialist pathway (Mixed Methods or Advanced Quantitative Analysis).


Data Set

Students following the Mixed Methods pathway will be given a sample set of interview transcripts and related survey data related to diversification of a local business. Your overall research question will be set by your tutor, but you have some scope to focus this further in accordance with your chosen method and data analysis technique.


Students following the Advanced Quantitative Methods pathway will be given a sample time series data set related to stock market performance. Your overall research question will be set by your tutor, but you have some scope to focus this further in accordance with your chosen company and data analysis technique.




Write a 2000-word methodological report in which you justify, apply and critically evaluate one of the data analysis techniques you have learned on the module.


Suggested structure:



Introduction (approx. 200 words)

In your introduction you should describe the approach you are taking to the research question, including any initial assumptions or decisions.


Main body (approx. 800 words)

In this section you should justify your data analysis technique and show evidence of your application of this technique to the data. You may wish to include;


Guide to Methods

Describe and justify the data analysis technique you are using. You might wish to explain your assumptions or significant methodological decisions you have made with reference to relevant academic literature.



Describe the findings or results you have obtained from applying the technique to the data. You may wish to include figures or tables to present your results concisely. Detailed workings or full results can be included in the appendices.


Conclusion (approx. 800 words)

In this section you should discuss the suitability of your technique and give a critical account of its challenges or limitations in the context of the research question. You may wish to reflect upon assumptions that were necessary to your analysis or actions you took to address data quality.


Recommendations (approx. 200 words)

Briefly describe the actions or recommendations you would propose in response to the research question on the basis of your results. This might include recommendations for further data gathering or research.



In this section you should list your references in Harvard style. This section does not contribute towards your word count.



In this section (if necessary) you should provide evidence to demonstrate the application of your technique, such as data tables, coding protocols or other relevant documentation. This section does not contribute towards your word count