(SOLUTION) NR533 Week 7: Business Plan Assignment


Week 7: Business Plan Rubric (NOV18)
Week 7: Business Plan Rubric (NOV18)
Criteria Ratings Pts

20 pts

All components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated. 1. Purpose of assignment 2. Purpose of business plan 3. PICOT clearly stated 4. What will be included in the paper

15 pts

Three of four components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated. 1. Purpose of assignment 2. Purpose of business plan 3. PICOT clearly stated 4. What will be included in the paper

10 pts

Two of four components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated. 1. Purpose of assignment 2. Purpose of business plan 3. PICOT clearly stated 4. What will be included in the paper

0 pts

Only one component of introduction is clearly and specifically articulated. 1. Purpose of assignment 2. Purpose of business plan 3. PICOT clearly stated 4. What will be included in the paper
20 pts

Cover Letter and Executive Summary

10 pts

Cover Letter: All components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented 1. Cover letter in business letter format; 2. Brief overview of issue and solution; 3. Engages reader to take action

7 pts

Cover Letter: Two of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented 1. Cover letter in business letter format; 2. Brief overview of issue and solution; 3. Engages reader to take action

4 pts

Cover Letter: One of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented 1. Cover letter in business letter format; 2. Brief overview of issue and solution; 3. Engages reader to take action

0 pts

Cover Letter: No components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Cover letter in business letter format 2. Brief overview of issue and solution 3. Engages reader to take action
10 pts
Proposal Executive Summary

20 pts

Executive Summary: All components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project. 2. Provides summary of project a. purpose, b. outcomes, and c. marketing and financial summaries.

15 pts

Executive Summary: Three of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project. 2. Provides summary of project a. purpose, b. outcomes, and c. marketing and financial summaries.

10 pts

Executive Summary: Two of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project. 2. Provides summary of project a. purpose, b. outcomes, and c. marketing and financial summaries.

5 pts

Executive Summary: Only one component of executive summary is clearly and accurately presented. 1. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project. 2. Provides summary of project a. purpose, b. outcomes, and c. marketing and financial summaries.
20 pts
Detailed Abstract Full description of project proposal

75 pts

All components are clearly and completely articulated. 1. Expand description of project purpose 2. Issue/problem defined 3. Supportive evidence for project 4. Expected outcomes from project and timeline 5. Marketing/needs analyses and plans included 6. Fit with mission of organization 7. Fit with current services 8. Financial plan including budgetary needs 9. Financial impact on stakeholders 10. Break-even and Cost/benefit analysis results

68 pts

8 to 9 components are clearly and completely articulated. 1. Expand description of project purpose 2. Issue/problem defined 3. Supportive evidence for project 4. Expected outcomes from project and timeline 5. Marketing/needs analyses and plans included 6. Fit with mission of organization 7. Fit with current services 8. Financial plan including budgetary needs 9. Financial impact on stakeholders 10. Break-even and Cost/benefit analysis results

60 pts

6 to 7 components are clearly and completely articulated. 1. Expand description of project purpose 2. Issue/problem defined 3. Supportive evidence for project 4. Expected outcomes from project and timeline 5. Marketing/needs analyses and plans included 6. Fit with mission of organization 7. Fit with current services 8. Financial plan including budgetary needs 9. Financial impact on stakeholders 10. Break-even and Cost/benefit analysis results

45 pts

5 or less components are clearly and completely articulated. 1. Expand description of project purpose 2. Issue/problem defined 3. Supportive evidence for project 4. Expected outcomes from project and timeline 5. Marketing/needs analyses and plans included 6. Fit with mission of organization 7. Fit with current services 8. Financial plan including budgetary needs 9. Financial impact on stakeholders 10. Break-even and Cost/benefit analysis results
75 pts

25 pts

All required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Required: 1. Business plan worksheet 2. Budget 3. Break-even analysis 4. Other charts, tables, referred to in plan

15 pts

Three of four required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. 1. Business plan worksheet 2. Budget 3. Break-even analysis 4. Other charts, tables, referred to in plan

10 pts

Two of four required supporting documents are present and accurately presented. 1. Business plan worksheet 2. Budget 3. Break-even analysis 4. Other charts, tables, referred to in plan

5 pts

Only one of four required supporting documents is present and accurately presented. 1. Business plan worksheet 2. Budget 3. Break-even analysis 4. Other charts, tables, referred to in plan
25 pts

25 pts

All required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment 2. Two strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described 3. Strategy for obtaining project approval

15 pts

Two of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment 2. Two strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described 3. Strategy for obtaining project approval

10 pts

One of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. 1. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment 2. Two strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described 3. Strategy for obtaining project approval

0 pts

All required components for conclusion are missing, inaccurate, or unclearly written. 1. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment 2. Two strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described 3. Strategy for obtaining project approval
25 pts
Paper Format

15 pts

All formatting elements are present with two or less errors. 1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limit

10 pts

Formatting elements are mostly correct with three errors. 1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limit

5 pts

Formatting elements are mostly correct with four errors. 1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limit

0 pts

All formatting elements are present with five or more errors. 1. Text, title page, headings, and references; 2. Headings label follow required outline; 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly; 4. Page length within seven-page limit
15 pts
Writing Conventions

10 pts

Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain two or less errors.

7 pts

Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed with three errors.

5 pts

Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain with four errors.

0 pts

Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed with greater than five or more errors.
10 pts
Late Deductions

0 pts

0 pts lost – submission met deadline

0 pts

Student does not meet the deadline for submission 10% per day up to 30% total (3-days)
0 pts
Total Points: 200
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