(SOLUTION) NR533 Week 4: Staffing Budgets/FTEs/Variance Analysis Assignment V4


Week 4: Staffing Budget and FTEs and Variance Analysis (NOV18)
Week 4: Staffing Budget and FTEs and Variance Analysis (NOV18)
Criteria Ratings Pts

Background Information

10 pts

Approach to Personnel Case Study is clearly articulated and contains all the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.

8 pts

Approach to Personnel Case Study is generally described and contains nearly all elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.

6 pts

Approach to Personnel Case Study is minimally described, generally stated and missing key elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.

0 pts

Approach to Personnel Case Study is absent or does not contain adequate elements to all the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.
10 pts

ADC and Occupancy Rate

10 pts

Table completed with formulas referenced and shown, work shown with correct calculations, and correct unit identified.

8 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

3 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
10 pts

Average Length of Stay (ALOS)

10 pts

ALOS table completed with formulas referenced and shown, work shown with correct calculations, ALOS of identified unit correct.

8 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

3 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
10 pts

Current FTE

15 pts

Current FTEs of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.

10 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

5 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
15 pts

Total FTE (Accounts for nonproductive time-current)

15 pts

Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.

10 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

5 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
15 pts

Effect of Volume Increase on FTE

10 pts

Describes effect of increase of patient volume on FTEs over the next year. Describes what effect an increased length of stay would have on FTEs.

5 pts

Only one element present or is answered correctly.

0 pts

Both elements are missing or no elements are answered correctly.
10 pts

Total FTE (Projected)

15 pts

Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) for projected volume increase of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.

10 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

5 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
15 pts

FTE Difference Explanation

10 pts

Explains potential causes for being under budget and explicitly describes its effect on the budget request for next year. Uses data from given and calculated elements to support explanations.

8 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

3 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
10 pts

Personnel Budget table

5 pts

Table completed with correct calculations.

0 pts

Table incomplete or complete with incorrect calculations.
5 pts

Volume (Efficiency) Variance Calculated

10 pts

Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.

8 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

3 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
10 pts

Volume Quantity Variance Calculated

10 pts

Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.

8 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

3 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
10 pts

Cost (price) Variance calculated

10 pts

Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.

8 pts

All but one element are present and correct.

3 pts

All but two elements are present and correct.

0 pts

No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
10 pts

Calculation of Total Variance

5 pts

Calculation of Total Variance is correct.

0 pts

Calculation of Total Variance is incorrect.
5 pts

Analysis of Variances

10 pts

Analysis of Variances thoroughly explained; variance justification with evidence included; effects on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.

8 pts

Analysis of Variances generally explained; or variance justification is missing or lacks support from evidence; or effects on current and future budges is missing or generally addressed.

3 pts

Analysis of Variances contains only one of the required elements: thorough explanation; variance justification with evidence included; effects on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.

0 pts

Analysis of variances is missing or is inaccurate.
10 pts

Writing Conventions, format, and reference citations

5 pts

No errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.

3 pts

One error in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.

1 pts

Two errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.

0 pts

More than three errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.
5 pts

Late Deductions

0 pts

0 pts lost – submission met deadline

0 pts

Student does not meet the deadline for submission 10% per day up to 30% total (3-days)
0 pts
Total Points: 150


Section One—Staffing Budget and FTEs

Personnel Budget Case Study

Sandra Chambers has recently accepted the position of assistant administrator for the department of nursing at Potter Regional Medical Center where she will oversee the operations of five medical units. As she evaluates the budgets for the different cost centers, she finds that all are being used at near or full capacity. The activity in four of the five has remained steady over the past 2 years. A fifth unit has realized a steady increase in patient volume during that time and is currently at 88% capacity. It has been projected that within the next 12 months the volume of patients moving through that unit will increase by 20%. Sandra needs to determine if the current FTEs for the unit will be sufficient to ensure quality and safe care continues to be provided, and if not, what is the number of FTEs that will be needed to cover a 20% increase in volume.

  1. Suggest all the information Sandra needs to collect in order to project the FTEs needed for the next fiscal year accounting for the projected increased capacity. Remember, she is new to her position so be sure to include background data on the unit itself as it relates to previous budgets, nursing staff, and the organization. In other words, summarize your approach to this Case Study.


Sandra will need to collect data on average daily census (average number of beds occupied every day), average patient days, hours of care per patient day, average length of stay, and hours of care per day for each patient day in order to accurately predict the future fiscal year’s personal budget. She must also gather information on the personnel mix, salary and benefits offered for each role, vacation coverage requirements, sick leave and unforeseen absences, average productive and nonproductive hours per patient, and the patient acuity of the unit. She will also want information on non-staff compensation expenditures such as clerical supplies, equipment maintenance, service contracts, and medical supplies.


  1. Sandra has collected the following census information on all five units for the last month, in

addition to what was asked in question number one. Calculate the ADC and Occupancy Rate for each unit using the Daily Census/Occupancy Rate table to determine which unit is currently at 88% occupancy rate and projected to increase over the next year.