(SOLUTION) NR439 Week 4 Discussion: Designs – A Plan to Study for the Truth


This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 & 8)
  • CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 & 8)

Due Date

  • During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week):
    • Posts in the discussion at least two times, and
    • Posts in the discussion on two different days

Points Possible

50 points


  • Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
    • Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
    • Integrate outside scholarly sources when required
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
    • Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
  • Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
  • Best Practices include:
    • Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
    • Enter the discussion often during the week to read and learn from posts.
    • Select different classmates for your reply each week.
Discussion Questions


This week we learned how research designs are different and help us to objectively study nursing problems; the key is to decide which type of research and design will serve the purpose or intent to find a solution. After completing Week 4 readings and lesson, answer the following:

  • Reflect on your learning about Quantitative and Qualitative research; share two ways that helped you understand how they are different.
  • Choose one category of study design that you found interesting and describe; include what you learned about the design and how you believe it can help study nursing problems.
  • Refer back to your clinical nursing priority problem and evidence you located for your week 3 assignment: The nursing-evidenced practice (NEBP) committee has requested for you to make a recommendation to the team: Describe the type of research and the design that you believe would be the best way to study your problem. Discuss your rationale.


Measurable study is structured as well as used to test a scientific concept or hypothesis. Measurable study gathers quantifiable data, which can be gotten through experiments or clinical tests, sets of questions, and also surveys. According to our book Houser (2018 ), “Measurable layouts are appropriate when the objective of a research is to gauge the impact of a certain treatment, to test a concept about the connection, or to describe a fact with precision” (Houser 2018, p136). The quantitative style uses a kind of dimension that entails examining numbers. Measurable research dimension provides a scientist a level of assurance concerning the partnership that is quantifiable, as well as the effects of a mistake or arbitrary possibility can be figured out (Houser, 2018). Nursing is caring for others, helping others reach their optimal degree of working and general health, as well as measurable research study is actions that can influence an outcome (Houser, 2018). Qualitative research is disorganized, insightful, non-numerical facts that concentrate on comprehending the significance of a theory or hypothesis from the person’s perspective. Please click the purchase button to access the entire copy at $5