(SOLUTION) NR305 Week 4 Assignment: Visual Teaching Tool


To utilize the Patient Teaching Plan (developed in a prior assignment) to create a Visual Teaching Tool to educate the selected patient population about the selected health topic.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  • CO 2: Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO #1)
  • CO 4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)



  • Healthy eating is important to individual, family, and community health.
  • Lack of knowledge is a major risk factor for unhealthy eating habits
  • According to HHS (2017), a great proportion of people in the U.S do not meet the Dietary Guidelines
  • Around ¾ consume meals low in vegetables, fruits, oils, and dairy.
  • More than 50% of the population meets or exceeds the recommended total grain and total grain intake.
  • Most Americans eat more saturated fats, added sugars, and sodium than recommended (President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, 2017).
  • More than 2/3 of adults and close to 1/3 of children and youth in U.S are overweight or obese (DeSalvo, Olson, & Casavale, 2016). Please click the purchase button to access the entire power point copy at $10