(SOLUTION) NR305 Week 4 Assignment: Patient Teaching Plan


To create a Patient Teaching Plan aimed at educating a specific patient population about a specific health topic. This plan will be used to develop a Visual Teaching Tool in a future assignment.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  • CO 2: Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO #1)
  • CO 4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)


The topic chosen for the teaching project is teaching healthy eating to community members. Healthy eating is important to individual, family, and community health. This is an important topic for patient education as many people have limited knowledge and practice of healthy eating. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (2017), the current eating patterns by many people in the United States do not meet the Dietary Guidelines. Approximately the eating pattern for three-fourths of the U.S population is low in vegetables, fruits, oils, and dairy. More than 50% of the population satisfies or exceeds the recommended total protein and total grain intake but do not meet other subgroups of foods (HHS, 2017). More so, most Americans consume more than recommended saturated fats, added sugars, and sodium (President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, 2017).One’s calorie consumption over time as compared to the body’s need for calorie is measured through body weight. In America, a high proportion of the population (more than 2/3 of all adults and almost 1/3 of all children and youth) is either overweight or obese, indicating that many people in the U.S consume excess calories, and thus the need to teach the community on healthy eating (DeSalvo, Olson, &Casavale, 2016). Please click the purchase button to access the entire copy at $10